Orlando, FL


Our Car Rental Masterclass has LAUNCHED!


YES, I AM SHOUTING WITH EXCITEMENT!!!!! Alas, the day has arrived when we can share this amazing news with you all, our friends and family! Our Car Rental masterclass has launched today and you can launch the course right now by clicking here. This curriculum was curated carefully with you in mind and our expertise. We had the honor to feature our very own @thebrokemillionaire_ to host a series of modules that will guide you step by step on HOW it’s done!!!

Allow me to begin by sharing with you that this course has been planned since the beginning of the pandemic. We have watched and taken the many other classes that are out there, and while many were great, and some weren’t (it’s okay we can judge because we are in the industry lol) we finally gathered enough data in addition to our expertise to deliver a NO b.s. Masterclass that provides exclusive insights of our very own business model, roadblocks, and APEX strategy to stay on top of the food chain! Trust me, if it were easy, everyone would be driving Lambos and have a different car for everyday of the week.

Who is this Masterclass for?

This course was designed for anyone who is interested in learning how to get in on the car rental business. Wether you want to start this as a side hustle, weekend-car-pay-off situation, or full on fleet business entrepreneurship using both TURO and/or independent private bookings. After coming up with the content we also thought that this Masterclass would bring great value to existing Turo hosts, and those in competing car-sharing platforms. Least but not last, you are simply curious, and would like to learn more about this tempting and profitable industry (we don’t blame you). For those seeking more you may bundle the course X coaching with Randy (win-win) and get some major savings in addition to added value.

You’ve taken the Masterclass, what now?

Congratulations! if you are eager to start your car rental business you have already made the most important leap towards achieving this goal. We honestly wished there was a course this insightful when we started, and frankly the entire Masterclass revolves around sharing all the key elements that many other classes didn’t share, for fear of competition. Once you have completed the modules we are confident that you will be enabled to start on your own, with right resources and knowledge; in additional we invite those that need a little more accountability or guidance to take advantage of our coaching sessions with myself or our Masterclass host Randy a.k.a @thebrokemillionaire_ . Also, if you found the Masterclass helpful/inspiring we will thank you in advance for sharing with your friends and family. We are so grateful for those of you that pre-registered!! and happy that you guys are a step ahead ahead than those reading this blog now.

It is time for you to head over to THE BROKE MILLIONAIRE ACADEMY on and begin your journey.

Until next time! with a grateful and dancing heart,



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Our team is here to provide you with a safe, hassle-free experience! Luxury and exotic cars are our "thing" and we are thrilled to share these beauties with you.