Orlando, FL


So I guess it is safe to safe to say that HOWMOTORS has survived another ‘Rona year (phew emoji lol)!!! The challenges that this pandemic has presented worldwide has been catastrophic, for lack of better words. Flashback to 2020, the travel industry took a major hit and of course that impacted the car rental industry. We could had never imagined anything like this happening, nor could we have ever prepared to face an industry halt with many shutdowns we endured.

Our loyal readers will recall how we reinvented ourselves in 2021, it was a rebirth for HOWMOTORS. While yes, the pandemic affected us, we decided to thrive rather than perish. It was not easy, but we bet on ourselves and proved that HOWMOTORS is truly a beast and we will always come our stronger regardless of the challenge. We launched a new social media strategy, rolled-out a 5-step sanitizing process to keep you safe, priced our Exotic and Luxury cars at highly competitive rates, made HOWMOTORS much more transparent by introducing”live chat” on our website to be much more accessible to you, as well as immediate response to instagram DMs. Our biggest flex was the MAJOR additions to our fleet. Our carefully curated “picks” truly made 2021 a record breaking year for HOWMOTORS. Let’s take a moment to appreciate these stars:

Alas, I personally want to take a moment to thank you, our reader/guest/follower/friend. Your continuous support and love for HOWMOTORS inspires us to continue to disrupt the car rental industry and deliver exceptional service because you deserve nothing less, but the best. Our community, you, has made 2021 truly exceptional. Thank you for the referrals, the five star reviews, sharing our IG posts and all that you do to support HOWMOTORS. Exciting things are aligned for 2022, and we promise it will be even much more remarkable! stay tuned.

Au revoir,



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Our team is here to provide you with a safe, hassle-free experience! Luxury and exotic cars are our "thing" and we are thrilled to share these beauties with you.